rola Security Solutions has been providing software-based solutions for more than three decades for its customers in the internal and external security sectors. National and international authorities and organisations with security tasks, and also large corporations, all have one thing in common: With their complex tasks and challenges they place their trust not only in the software solutions from Oberhausen, Germany, but also in a team whose know-how and service can be relied on worldwide.

Police Authorities
Case processing and analysis for police criminal investigation departments in the combatting of, among other things, terrorism, organised crime and capital offences in a cross-authority and cross-border network, and using all available information sources.
Key features:
- Documentation of information and leads
- Task control for special task forces
- Analysis of communication and GPS data
- Management of evidence and court exhibits
- File management
- Reporting of duplicate data
- Mass data analysis
- Cyber threat intelligence
- Social media & OSINT monitoring

Military, Intelligence Services and Border Protection
An information system for the military, intelligence services and border protection agencies, for generation of strategic and operational situation overviews and reports, via exploitation, evaluation and consolidation of information sources.
Key features:
- Source references
- Comprehensive security concepts
- Data sanitisation
- Concealed data storage
- Data replication for mobile units / reach-back
- Cyber threat intelligence
- Social media & OSINT monitoring

Financial Authorities
Intelligent data management for tax investigation specialists, to support complex investigations and the analysis and evaluation of VAT fraud and money laundering.
Key features:
- Case management
- User-friendly data import
- Extensive searching options such as structure, path, pattern and similarity searches
- Mass data analysis
- Visualisation of structures and money flows

Private Enterprises
Incident reporting for corporate security and compliance enables support of concern-wide investigations by means of data matching, graphical analysis and disaster management.
Key features:
- Mechanisms for risk assessment
- An integrated whistle-blower function
- Compliance with statutory requirements in respect of protection of data and investors
- Electronic incident book
- Efficient and user-friendly reporting