The Social Web has revolutionised society and its communication methods. Social media offer undreamt of new networking capabilities: globally and in a matter of seconds. Where exchange of information is critical to security, an in-depth view of the social networks is called for, before the situation escalates! rsNetMAn assists in the extraction and analysis, in real time, of the most important information from the vast amounts of available data. Critical issues and opinion influencers can be identified globally. A comprehensive situation overview becomes visible and available for prompt assessment, a prerequisite for optimised operations planning.


rsNetMAn extracts data from more than 400 million online sources, for example blogs, news sites, forums, journals, and social networks such as Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter or Xing. The automatic analysis of these sources provides the expert with a cross-section of issues from the echo chambers of the real world: fake news and real news in real time. This is where social media differ from established print media, radio and television. Social media are faster. A tweet on Twitter or a comment on Facebook can alter the media agenda worldwide. Breaking news from your pocket. Good to know about it, before CNN, Reuters or your national or local news station.


Fake news is also relevant, as top news

rsNetMAn uses elaborate methods for visualising hierarchies of news items or discussions in the digital world. How many followers are discussing, commenting on, retweeting and linking a topic? The activity of this temporary community is a measure of its virality, and can, for example, be used to assess whether such an issue can make it into the real media world. The expert gains a time lead and can activate contingency plans before the news hits the TV screens.

The “Press Review” for social media, in use everywhere and round the clock

rsNetMAn is a service on the basis of Software as a Service. This enables freedom of action, for example for mobile operations teams. There are naturally also alternatives if use in a static location is necessary.

Information analysis provides an insight into the real-time media jungle

Collection and visualisation of results, and generation of customised reports, are core functions of rsNetMAn. With only a few mouse clicks, individual incidents and developments can be concisely displayed on a screen. A clear design, simple operation, and step-by-step instructions enable optimal handling for every user.

Searching for, and finding, the needle in the haystack

In the age of globalisation, events and developments on the other side of the world can sometimes have serious impacts on local events. The real world and the digital world have a mutual relationship with one another. How can social media analysis based on open sources expedite efficient investigations when searching for the proverbial needle in the haystack? In the field of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), tools and training courses are available that make the work of the investigators easier. rola Security Solutions offers further solutions for interaction in the rola portfolio.


rsNetMAn is a web-based analysis platform

A combination of rule-based and list-based recognition ensures high-quality results. The detected entities, such as persons, locations or URLs, can be displayed as separate facets and used as filters.



Virality analysis

The biggest challenge is identification of precisely the most important items of news. Separating the wheat from the chaff, and real news from fake news, is decisive. To understand how an issue began and subsequently developed, it’s important to be able to trace a news item or a tweet back to its origins.

Translation of social media posts

Search agents in foreign languages can be created via both a simplified and an expert mode. Posts in foreign languages can be translated directly from within the system. The objective here is to understand the content, without having to be proficient in Arabic, Chinese or Russian.


Automatic reporting

rsNetMAn extracts relevant information round the clock, and automatically generates customised daily, weekly or monthly reports. The experts are always notified, even if they are currently not actively using the tool.


Real-time alerting

An alerting function generates notifications in critical situations, such as someone running amok, or terrorist attacks, natural catastrophes and other emergency situations.


Entity extraction

What people or places are the subject of discussion in my 200,000 posts and comments? rsNetMAn answers this question with its integrated entity extraction functionality, and in this way provides the analyst with a quick overview that answers the important W questions (Who’s involved? Where exactly? What’s being said?) within seconds.


