Analysts in military units and intelligence services are faced by a central challenge: Within the shortest possible time, a reliable situation overview must be generated from a multitude of information and sources, and be capable of being dynamically updated during an operation in response to situation changes. A permanently up-to-date situation overview based on reliable knowledge is the basis for precise decisions and derivation of necessary actions.
Merging information correctly for a situation overview
Once the data situation within one’s own area of responsibility has been clarified, the question of access to all sources in the information space now arises. A modern software solution must support this expansion without media discontinuities and with a click of the mouse. Only the combination of all available items of information and relationship networks enables a common understanding of the situation and a knowledge lead.
Detection of relationships in the flood of data
The software tool rsIntCent supports the entire intelligence cycle: from receipt of a query, via the merging of information in the incoming reports and from other sources, through to correct thematic allocation. The next steps involve forwarding to the correct staff, processing and evaluation appropriate to the organisational level, and putting the information and findings into context with already available knowledge, followed by extensive analyses and presentation of the results.
Special functions for special tasks
rsIntCent is a specialist solution for information management in military and intelligence environments. The solution was developed in close collaboration with the users. Classic systems can not fulfil the special requirements in this sector.
High – higher – data protection
Strict statutory requirements allow the analysts to provide their data with powerful protection mechanisms. Secure, sanitised data exchange between units and partners, including in the international environment, is “hard wired”. Data protection is a core element in the rola Intelligence Centre. For each person or group, a decision can and must be made in the specific context as to who can see which information, and when this information must also be deleted again.
User-oriented situation overview
With rsIntCent, situation information can be generated in a tamper-proof and traceable manner, and provided to the respective users or the requesting unit or department in the desired format, for example as a relationship chart, a GIS map segment or in combination with text. The requirement to make knowledge obtained from various sources reproducibly available in a knowledge database, while at the same time complying with the statutory requirements for the handling of personal data, is consistently fulfilled.
Consolidation and analysis of data
The first stage of every evaluation is data collection. With rsIntCent, the user can collect all data efficiently and evaluate it in a network. Powerful but also intuitive tools, with which both structured and unstructured data can be aggregated, are provided for this purpose. These data are merged and transferred to an information space that reflects the common results of the work and the understanding of the specialist department.
Proven in practice
rsIntCent allows the users to access data efficiently, to find new analysis approaches and to present results graphically, for example in the context of a hunt for the masterminds behind terrorist actions. Enhanced search functions help in, for example, the search for individual persons, mobile phone numbers, batches of ammonium nitrate fertiliser, or instructions for constructing detonators. This progressively results in relationship networks, and structures become evident. The graphical analysis takes place at the click of the mouse in a diagram, quickly and clearly.
Automatic report processing
The users are supported in their day-to-day work by automatic content cataloguing via extraction of relevant entities (persons, locations, companies, etc.), thematic categorisation, voice recognition, data processing, indexing and short summaries of the content. Active system reactions on recognition of key terms in received reports, freely configurable based on one’s own task profile, and efficient and sustained processing of new reports also contribute to a noticeable simplification of the work at hand.
Mobile working
Functional file replication with an editing system for mobile units controls information provision and data exchange, including with users without a permanent network connection or working in offline mode.
Data protection standards
Multi-layer rights and role assignments protect the results of intelligence work against unauthorised access and permit full auditing at all times. In this way the data ownership complies with the statutory and data protection regulations, to protect it from misuse by third parties.
As the core element of the solution, rsFrame is always available in the background. Only with this combination of components does the software system exploit its full strengths: not merely the data consolidation but also the direct provision for other systems. The active data exchange and fast analyses are the decisive features.